Understanding and reducing stress in horses

As horse owners, trainers, riders, and lovers, you understand the deep bond between humans and horses. This bond leads to a responsibility to ensure the health and wellbeing of these noble and sensitive animals. Stress in horses, just like in humans, can have serious implications on their health and behaviour, affecting everything from their ability to perform and train, their response to riding, and even their longevity.

Recognising Signs of Stress in Horses

First, it’s important to be able to recognise the signs of stress in your equine companions. Horses communicate a lot through their body language, and changes in behaviour can often be a sign that something isn’t right. It’s crucial to pay attention to these signs and take action to help reduce their stress.

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Horses experiencing stress may display a number of behavioural changes. These can include excessive sweating, rapid breathing, restlessness, changes in appetite, and even aggression. Often, a horse may not ‘act out’ but become quieter, seem depressed, or show signs of colic.

Cortisol is a hormone that is produced in response to stress. By measuring cortisol levels in a horse’s saliva, blood, or faeces, veterinary professionals can get a reliable measure of a horse’s stress levels. Elevated cortisol levels over time can result in a range of health issues for the horse, including digestive problems, a suppressed immune system, and behavioural issues.

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Causes and Impacts of Stress

Stress in horses can be caused by a variety of factors. Many are related to changes in their environment or routine, such as transport to new locations, changes in their social group, and changes in their feeding schedule. Horses are creatures of habit, and sudden changes can cause them anxiety.

Stress can also be caused by physical factors, such as pain from an injury or illness. Overtraining and excessive exercise can lead to physical stress, which can in turn cause psychological stress. Horses are also sensitive to the emotions of their handlers and riders, and can pick up on human anxiety, which can add to their stress levels.

The impacts of stress on a horse’s health are far-reaching. Chronic stress can lead to a weakened immune system, making the horse more susceptible to illness and disease. It can also result in behavioural issues, such as aggression or depression, and can impact the horse’s ability to perform in competitive events or during training.

Reducing Stress Through Training and Routine

One of the most effective ways to reduce stress in horses is through consistent training and a steady routine. Horses thrive on routine, and knowing what to expect each day can help to reduce anxiety.

Training should be consistent, but not excessively demanding. Overtraining can lead to physical stress, so it’s important to find a balance. The training should also be positive, using rewards-based methods to encourage good behaviour. Punishment can increase stress and create negative associations with training.

When changes in routine are unavoidable, such as when travelling to events or changing stables, try to maintain as much consistency as possible. Bring familiar items, such as the horse’s own blanket and toys, and try to keep feeding and exercise schedules the same.

Veterinary Care and Stress Management

Veterinary care plays a vital role in managing a horse’s stress levels. Regular check-ups can help to identify any physical health issues that may be causing stress, such as injuries or illness.

There are also a variety of treatments and therapies available to help manage stress in horses. These can include massage and physiotherapy, which can help to ease physical tension and provide relaxation.

Some horses may benefit from medication to help manage stress, particularly in cases where the stress is chronic or severe. It’s important to consult with a veterinarian before starting any medication, to ensure that it’s the right choice for the horse’s individual needs.

Understanding and managing stress in horses is crucial to their wellbeing. By paying attention to changes in behaviour, maintaining a consistent routine, and seeking regular veterinary care, you can help to ensure your horse’s physical and emotional health. It’s a key part of the responsibility that comes with the privilege of sharing your life with these magnificent creatures.

Equine Nutrition and Stress Reduction

Equine nutrition plays a fundamental role in reducing stress for horses. When it comes to feeding your horse, consistency is key. Alterations in feeding times or types of feed can easily unsettle a horse and lead to stress. Equally, a nutritionally poor diet can affect a horse’s physical health, which can indirectly lead to increased stress levels.

A balanced diet is essential for maintaining a horse’s health and reducing stress. High-quality hay or pasture should be the primary component of a horse’s diet, supplemented with concentrates if necessary. The horse’s body condition, age, workload, and health status should dictate the type and amount of feed provided.

Water is equally important. Horses must always have access to clean, fresh water. Dehydration can cause serious health problems and significantly increase a horse’s stress levels, so this is not to be overlooked.

When changes to the diet are necessary, they should be done gradually over a period of several days. This will help to prevent digestive upset and reduce stress. It’s always a good idea to consult with an equine veterinary nutritionist before making significant changes to a horse’s diet.

Transport Stress and Shipping Fever

Transporting horses, whether for relocation, shows, or veterinary care, can be a major source of stress. The unfamiliar environment, combined with the physical strain of travelling, can raise a horse’s stress levels and even lead to health problems like shipping fever.

To reduce stress during transport, it’s important to make the journey as comfortable as possible. The trailer should be well-ventilated, secure, and free from sharp edges or protrusions that might injure the horse.

Before embarking on a journey, it’s advisable to get your horse accustomed to the trailer. Start with short trips and gradually lengthen the duration. Ensure the horse is well-rested before a long journey and try to maintain regular feed and water schedules.

To prevent shipping fever, which is a bacterial infection of the lungs often caused by stress during long journeys, make frequent stops and allow the horse to lower its head, aiding in the drainage of the respiratory tract.


Understanding and effectively managing stress in horses is vital for their overall health and performance. By recognising the body language and signs of stress, making necessary changes in their daily routine and training, providing consistent veterinary care, maintaining proper nutrition, and ensuring comfortable transport, horse owners and caregivers can greatly reduce the stress levels in their equine companions.

It’s essential to remember that horses are highly sensitive creatures. What may seem inconsequential to us may be a significant stressor for them. Hence, constant vigilance, care, and a deep understanding of each horse’s unique needs and responses are essential in ensuring their wellbeing. The effort put in to reduce stress in horses is rewarded exponentially, not only in terms of better performance but also in the enhanced bond between humans and horses.

Understanding and reducing stress in horses isn’t just about ensuring they can perform at their best. It’s about honouring the deep bond and mutual respect between humans and these incredible animals by doing everything we can to ensure they lead a healthy, happy, and stress-free life.
